9 Tricks to Make Your PC Faster… for Free

9 Tricks to Make Your PC Faster… for Free

9 Tricks to Make Your PC Faster
So you’ve been meaning to somehow breathe new life into your aging computer, but you’ve been held back by monetary constraints? In that case, the following infographic should help your cause: here, we’ve compiled all the good advice on improving the performance of a PC. The common thread is that all of this advice is completely free to try… so if money used to be a problem keeping you from taking action… that is no longer an excuse.
From clearing up your hard drive to uninstalling unneeded programs, clearing up the applications that load when Windows starts, defragmenting your disk, getting rid of spyware and malware… there are many effective tactics you should try to help bring your computer up to seed. Ideally, you should try all of the following tricks – having done so you will stand a much better chance of succeeding in the task at hand. Good luck, and get started now!


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